Update, 12/27/2024 – Note that DOE appears to have delayed the Enhanced Identity Proofing requirement but cautions that the validation process can take up to two weeks. Users are encouraged to begin the process as ...
Update: DOE Update: Action required for eXCHANGE account access
Sponsored Proposals, Reminders
ORSPA 3-Day Guarantee The Sponsored Projects Office (ORSPA) will guarantee an on‐time submission for those final (i.e., ready to submit) proposals that are forwarded for Grant + Contract Officer (GCO) review in ERA at least ...
Cost Share Reminders and Handout
Please see below for reminders related to cost sharing. These key points, along with a handout (Cost Sharing Best Practices and Resources), were recently distributed to college research leadership.
Updated: 2024-25 Women & Philanthropy Grant Program Overview and Instructions
9.23.2024: The W&P Fillable PDF Template has been updated to now include the word count and give an error if the word count is exceeded in the text boxes. The 2024-25 Women & Philanthropy Grant Program ...
Graduate College Research Support Request Form and ERA Question
Did you know that the Graduate College has a Graduate College Research Support Request to complete when asking for support on a proposal? Support from the Graduate College may include tuition, health insurance, or fees on proposals ...
ERA Proposal Workflow Clarifications
Updates have been made to the ERA Proposal Workflow page on Research Admin. Please review as a refresher to the standard processes. The main updates are mentioned below:
Industry Proposal Budgets
A yellow banner appears on ERA Funding Proposal (FP) sites when an Industry sponsor is listed as the Direct Sponsor. In the future, the ERA Team hopes to have an Industry Cost Summary tab in ...
Reminder: FOA Eclipses General Sponsor Guide
7/5/2024 – Please see below for some reminders related to the Develop Proposal process. Applicable sponsor requirements and guidelines may often be found in a general guide provided by the sponsor in addition to the ...
Postdoctoral Associate Salary Guidance Update
Guidance on budgeting for Postdoctoral Associate salaries has been updated on the Salaries, Wages, and ERE page. Moving forward, please utilize the NIH Postdoc stipend levels as a minimum salary when budgeting postdoctoral associates. These rates are ...
GRA Minimum Salary Increase 2024-2025
The Academic Year (AY) 2024-2025 minimum salary for Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs) has been updated to $26,544 on the Salaries, Wages, and ERE page, in line with the current Provost’s Office policy. Please be sure to use ...