Graduate College Research Support Request Form and ERA Question

Did you know that the Graduate College has a Graduate College Research Support Request to complete when asking for support on a proposal? Support from the Graduate College may include tuition, health insurance, or fees on proposals where there are sponsor limitations on these items. It is required to request approval for support from the Graduate College at least 2 weeks before your department routing deadline.  Please allow 5 business days for the Graduate College review and approval.

Please allow additional time if cost-sharing is requested.

In addition to the form, there is a question in ERA on SmartForm 2.3 – Program Classification. If your request is approved, mark Question 8 “yes.” This will help with tracking proposals approved to receive support.

At proposal time if you don’t remember where the form is, simply click the maroon question mark for a link. If you have any questions regarding Graduate College support on proposals, please contact Katrina Roalson.