2024-25 Women & Philanthropy Grant Program Overview and Instructions

The 2024-25 Women & Philanthropy Grant Program Overview and Instructions have been released, and proposals are due by Friday, October 18, 2024 at 5 PM. Applications must be submitted through an online webform.

If desired, RAs may use this W&P Word Template or this W&P Fillable PDF Template to collect proposal data prior to entering the information into the W&P form.

In the 2024-25 W&P Provost Memo sent to the Deans, there is a stipulation that each academic area should submit no more than two proposals for the annual Women & Philanthropy program. This limit should be managed by each unit or college separately, as appropriate.

Please review the Program Overview and Instructions regarding eligibility. Any program that has received past ASU Women and Philanthropy funding is ineligible to apply for a grant for the same program for two (2) years from the completion date of that project.

Note: PNT will not be responsible to review documentation of approval to submit for this limited opportunity.

Similar to last year, W&P is requiring that the ERA Funding Proposal number (FP#) be identified in each application, in order to avoid delays at award time.

W&P proposals must be entered in ERA prior to proposal submission, with the following variances from standard practice:

  • Women and Philanthropy is the Prime Sponsor and Arizona State University Foundation (ASUF) should be listed as the Direct Sponsor. 
  • No PNT* review is necessary prior to submitting to the sponsor.
    • RA’s should select “Yes” to question 8.0 on SmartForm 1.1 Proposal Description & Contacts to process the proposal in ERA as if it were “After-the-Fact (ATF)”.
  • Once the PI or RA has submitted the proposal to the sponsor, the RA should run the ERA activity “Forward to PNT” and enter the submission date when forwarding. The ERA proposal will move to the “Submitted” status, with no GCO** review.
    • Note: The RA will need to Generate Department Reviewers and Submit for Department Review in order to Forward to PNT. Approvals do not need to be complete before submission to the sponsor, but must be in place before an award can be set up.
  • F&A rate: 6% TDC should be applied to proposal budgets in ERA.
    • On SmartForm 1.2 F&A Rate Determination question 4.0, RAs should input 6% as the rate and change the base to TDC. This PDF of the online budget form (which shows the 6% rate) should be uploaded as the Sponsor Published Policy or Rate Sheet attachment.

After submission of W&P proposals via the grant application portal, the internal ERA process should be completed at your earliest opportunity but no later than October 25th to ensure efficient management of these applications. Incomplete ERA FPs will be addressed the later in the week to help meet the needs of the RA Community.

For questions regarding the 2024-25 Women & Philanthropy Grant Program Overview, please contact: [email protected].

For ERA system questions or issues, please post on the ERA Help channel in MS Teams or contact [email protected].

*PNT = Proposals and Negotiations Team

**GCO = Grant + Contract Officer